Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Air Conditioner Replacement

What a blunder! In the fall of 2016 I decided to drill a small hole in the bottom of the air conditioner pan to let it drain better. Mistake! The condenser coils are very close to the bottom front of the housing and I put a tiny nick in one of them. Of course all the coolant immediately leaked out.
We looked at the prospect of repairing it but decided that, by the time we got it out, shipped it, paid for repairs, and reinstalled it, we would be better off just to replace it. Finding a new one to exactly fit the opening was tricky, but we eventually found that an LG model LW 6017R would fit right into the opening and do an excellent job of cooling the camper. The first thing of note is that the LG air conditioners use the model number to describe the capacity and year of each model, and these change each year. So an LW is a through-the-wall type, the 60 stands for 6000 BTU capacity and the 17 is for the year. I have not figured out what the R is for.
We followed the excellent video posted at this link:

He gives very clear instructions and video of the replacement, and it goes just fine. Here are a few shots of our work. I hope that this will help a few others who tackle the same task.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Saturday 4/15/17
First camping trip for the 2017 season.
 We headed out around 11:00 AM for points South. Went as far as the Front Royal KOA. We have stopped at this place several times over the years as it is a convenient half way point on the way to Wilmington NC to visit family. If you are looking for the most modern and best kept campground in town this one is not it. However the managers are friendly, it has all the basic necessities, and is reasonably priced at $34. We Plugged in, made dinner, and settled in for a quiet night. We also put out our little bit of spring that we just couldn't leave back in NY to die
In this photo you can also see the extension step that we had made at the end of last year. It certainly makes getting in and out of the camper easier for oldies like us.
As often happens the Aliner attracted visitors in the morning as we were finishing up breakfast and getting ready to leave.
Meeting other travelers really is one of the best parts of camping.